Registered Charity No. 1106243
Future Events
Tea and Talks Autumn 2024
Monday 9th September Cleopatras: Queens of Egypt by Janet Brewer
Of all the Queens named Cleopatra, the last is most famous, but they all were very powerful women in their own right. Each Queen held absolute power, easily overshadowing their husbands or sons, and all proved to be shrewd and capable leaders.
Monday 14th October Essex Rocks by Ian and Ros Mercer
Geological processes continue - rocks fall into the sea, earthquakes shake the land, and rivers carry away mud, sand and pebbles into the sea. Ian and Ros have travelled around the world to catch sight of the many geological wonders from jade to gravel.
Monday 11th November The Martello Towers of Essex by Peter Jones
At the end of the eighteenth-century Britain is at war with France. Napoleon's army is threatening to invade having already made two attempts. All that is standing between us and the French is the Royal Navy and a long line of Martello Towers — this is their story.
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